What is End to End Logistics & Supply Chain Solutions?

What Is End-to-End?

End-to-end refers to an interaction that takes a framework or administration from start to finish and conveys a total utilitarian arrangement, normally without expecting to get anything from an outsider. It usually hints that a merchant can own a venture from start to finish, and supply everything expected to make a useful arrangement, be it equipment, programming, work, composed materials, and systems. End-to-end arrangement additionally stick to a way of thinking that dispenses with whatever number of center layers or steps as could be allowed, which assists with enhancing the exhibition and productivity of a business.

End-to-End Logistics

End-to-end logistics includes the whole inventory network process, from planning and acquirement of resources to after delivery services.

The main issue is deciding how to wind around every phase of a store network into a consistent framework. Past the objectives of proficiency and more sure direction, successful administration of an end-to-end network makes a solid upper hand for organizations in packed markets.

Successful End-to-End Supply Chain Planning

Planning an end-to-end supply chain requires outlining a progression of capacities, every one of which requires thought about the activity. Here are the fundamental components of cooperative start to finish production network arranging

1. The Joint Effort is Hierarchical

Store network pioneers need to take more time for driving cooperative endeavors. This appears in a wide range of structures, among them: one-on-one conversations, initiative gatherings, execution surveys, authoritative data gatherings, month-to-month scorecard audits, and key activity plans.

2. Make a Cooperation Culture

However troublesome, a key component is to guarantee that a model cooperative way of behaving is regularly seen by your labor force and external factors. This can be shown in real-life arranging gatherings, surveys, picnics, recruiting, and advancements to give some examples of regions.

3. Think Overall Price, Not Simply Cost

The undeniably interesting open doors for successful expense the board exists through more complex generally the executives. Store network arranging needs to work connected at the hip with an organization’s monetary office in an all-encompassing look at the business’ worth.

4. Utilize Means, Frameworks, and Information

Store network chiefs won’t ever confront a deficiency of new mechanical answers for essentially any issue. The core worries while choosing a specific framework are 1) is it straightforward and 2) would it be able to be steady across inside and outside groups.

5. Reinforce Outer Group Structures

The more you look to form a relationship, the more you need to risk. Furthermore, with more prominent speculation, you gain the upside of a serious accomplice. Try to assess each hub of outside contact to guarantee that you are connecting your business with your outsiders in the most favorable manner. Share data, settle on secrecy arrangements evenhanded, and sort out for yourself as well as your accomplices to visit offices together.

6. Compelling Deals and Tasks Arrangements

Request and supply coordination is a definitive trial of a cooperative venture and, tragically, no technique is one-size-fits-all. Nonetheless, any business benefits from making sure they have understood and open correspondence at all phases of direction. Then again, any business will endure assuming its procedure for remunerating workers advances conduct that subverts cooperation.

How to Optimize the End-to-End Inventory Network?

To upgrade the E2E production network, the above parts should be all around incorporated. It requires an endeavor asset arranging (ERP) framework that furnishes ongoing data perceivable across the inventory network.

1. The accompanying methodologies can assist with upgrading the production.

2. Better forecast of client needs by executing an interest arranging instrument.

3. Lean way to deal with stock administration to diminish squander and undesirable activities. This will accelerate the request satisfaction cycle and increment stock exactness.

4. Human assets intend to answer abrupt changes in the inventory network.

5. Main driver investigation to recognize issues in the momentum interaction and plan successful arrangements.

6. Carry out E2E benchmarking to gauge the viability of the production network.

7. Last, is data sharing across the inventory network organization (provider – producer – client).

What are the Advantages of End-to-End Logistics?

With a coordinated E2E inventory network plan and perceivable across the store network, organizations can all the more likely serve clients. The advantages are the accompanying

1. Consistent progression of exercises across the inventory network.

2. Decreasing postponements with the capacity to recognize any issues across the store network.

3. Better associations with providers and clients.

4. Complete perception can diminish gambles, working expenses, and foresee and plan to address the issues of market changes.

5. Straightforwardness and the capacity to see “vulnerable sides”.

6. Diminished work and material expenses by eliminating waste all the while.

Now that you know all about E2E logistics, it will be easy for you to figure out why it is better for you or any organization to pursue a similar system. You can even decide the magnitude of an end-to-end arrangement that you should put into function in your organization depending on the scope of your operations.

Best Way to Ship Goods From India to Paris

Paris is a central piece of generally speaking exchange and at present the world’s 6th most prominent dealer. In 2018, the European country imported stock worth $672,549 million (USD). Paris’ fundamental exchange routes are the European Union, the United States, and China.

Assuming securing to Paris is on your game plan, you should be familiar with the various techniques for transport, costs, travel times, and customs opportunity systems. We have gathered the basic data about the sea and air transportation to Paris, here on this page for your benefit.

What Are Your Options for Shipping Freight to Paris?

Notwithstanding land transport through Paris’ lining nations, your business things can enter the country through air or ocean. Every choice appreciates unequivocal advantages and damages, which we will examine in the going areas.

Sea Freight to Paris

Less Than Container Load (LCL)

At the point when you pick LCL conveying, your freight will go out close to the trades of different transporters in a regular compartment. This is regularly the most sensible choice for little cargo shipments that don’t warrant paying for a whole holder.

Full Container Load (FCL)

With FCL, a steel trailer is yours for the whole excursion to Paris. Transporters who acknowledge that their things should stay repaired until they show at the last beneficiary are leaned toward this choice. Being the quickest system for transport for titanic shipments is likewise reasonable.

Airplane cargo to Paris

Taking everything into account, air movement will overcome sea delivery for speed and flexibility. This is authentic paying little heed to when a non-stop flight isn’t free for your freight. On an all the more awful note, transporter cargo is in a like way leaned to be the most extreme choice.

How Much Does it Cost to Ship Cargo to Paris?

With the last expense reliant upon such unending various standards, there is no clear solution for this solicitation. The statement for your sea and air moving necessities will be laid out on the going with factors

1. Nature of things
2. Picked strategy for transport (FCL, LCL, Air)
3. Weight of the freight
4. Portions of the freight
5. The distance between the beginning and objective

Import Customs Clearance in Paris

The practices specialists in Paris will give import opportunity just to freight that has followed authentic procedures. For first-time carriers especially, this can be an astounding interaction and not to be underestimated.

To play it safe, most associations attract a cultivated freight forwarder for the task. They can guarantee that French practices rules are kept precisely.

Regardless, when you rely upon a freight forwarder, you need to introduce the fundamental managerial work. The French practices specialists will generally request the going with documents

1. Commercial Invoice

2. Packing List

3. Certificate of Origin

4. Letter of Credit or other payment terms (depends on the contract between the parties involved)

5. Bill of Lading for ocean freight or Airway Bill for air freight

In some cases, they demand different reports, as well, like endorsements, allows, and licenses. Your cargo forwarder will illuminate you about the specific necessities as the need should arise.

Sometimes, they request various reports, too, similar to confirmations, awards, and licenses. Your freight forwarder will enlighten you about the particular necessities as required.

Sea Freight to Paris: FCL or LCL?

Most business stock travel to French ports inside 20ft or 40ft holders that are stacked locally available concentrated cargo vessels. These boats in like manner convey sea freight that doesn’t fit inside a standard holder. The carriers can offer various kinds of holders and break-mass transportation decisions.

Containerized ocean transport has two different choices: LCL and FCL. The going with sections talk about the benefits and burdens of each decision.

Less Than Container Load (LCL) Shipping to Paris


  1. LCL is the most affordable decision for shipments of cargo that include around six standard beds (similar to 14 CBM) or less.
  2. LCL outfits you with flexibility for stacking and movement since you can drop off and get your cargo from the freight forwarder’s stockroom.
  3. LCL can speed up your stock organization, as you don’t have to hang on until you have assembled satisfactory cargo to fill a holder.


  1. Your freight will go nearby the exchanges of various carriers.
  2. The essential hardening and deconsolidation of the holder generally add a few days to your freight’s movement time.
  3. The extra turns of events and taking consideration can put touchy, fragile, or momentary cargo at risk of hurt.

Full Container Load (FCL) Shipping to Paris


  1. FCL is speedy and direct, as no association or deconsolidation is basic.
  2. With FCL, your product will remain disengaged in a compartment for the entire journey to Paris.
  3. If you are conveying more than 14 CBM, FCL will work out more affordable than LCL, when you register the transportation cost per unit.


  1. A level charge applies for rental and conveyance of the entire compartment, paying little mind to how much or how little you load into it.
  2. FCL could keep your pickup and transport decisions as not all associations can manage conveyance compartments in their workplaces.

Air Shipping for Your Freight to Paris

Carrier freight is for carriers who are worth speed more than cost. Flying your cargo to Paris is speedier and more versatile than delivering it by sea. On account of the remarkable expense, most associations pick this technique for transport only for little measures of things.


  1. Ideal for cargo with a limited time of convenience, because of the short travel times.
  2. Airplane and air terminal heads guarantee selective assumptions for security.
  3. Best expecting you are moving essentially a couple of beds or even less.
  4. Less affected by the environment and, from now on, genuinely reliable.
  5. Worthwhile for recipients found close to a worldwide air terminal.


  1. Excessive when you are moving immense measures of the product.
  2. Bulky or awkwardly shaped freight may not get into the hold of a plane.

Best Way to Ship Perishable Goods from India to Europe

For any business to conclude, it takes two parties to fulfill their end of the contract. In an import/export business model, the exporter has to ship the goods to the importer receive a payment for the goods in return. Every good requires a different mode of shipping and storage conditions. Hence, all these factors must be kept in mind while choosing the most suited method for your goods.

What are perishable goods?

Perishable are goods that can easily and quickly spoil, hence, have a small shelf life. These goods require sensitive care and need to be shipped to the exporter as fast as possible. Hence, the most suited way for an exporter to ship such goods from India to Europe is via air. It is not only the fastest means to transport perishable goods, but also the safest means as well.

Pre-requisites to export perishable goods from India to Europe via air freight-

Getting an Importer-Exported Code (IEC) Number- IEC contains a 10 digit business ID number which is given by Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT). Only after availing an IEC number, you are permitted to export and import across international borders.
Obtaining an IEC number is a need for anybody to start export and import activities according to the Foreign Trade Policy.

Getting a Registration Cum Membership Certificate (RCMC)- Export Promotion Councils or Commodity Boards of India issue a RCMC as a proof of DGFT membership for 5 years. You require this certificate if

● You are dealing in restricted goods.
● You are applying for any concession under the Foreign Trade Policy.

International air freight and customs clearance agent- An international air freight and customs clearance agent plays a vital role in exporting your goods across international borders. That is why it is important for you get in touch with a reliable international cargo flight service provider for timely delivery of perishable goods.

Process to ship perishable goods via international flight from India to Europe

1. Making reservation-  Make a reservation with the international freight forwarding services provider and handover the goods to them

2.Arranging transportation- Arrangement of transportation of goods to international air express cargo services provider’s warehouse.

3. Documentation- The next step is to process the documents.

4. Customs clearance- Once the documentation is complete, they are submitted with the customs authorities to get custom clearance.

5. Goods handover- After getting the custom clearance, goods are handed over to the airlines/ship dock.

6. Delivery of goods- Handing over of goods is followed by delivery of goods to the destination location.

7. Post-shipments formalities– Upon reaching the destination, post-shipment documentation is carried.

8. Final delivery to the importer- After following this process, the last step is transport the goods to the importer’s warehouse.

Operating in the industry of perishable goods is a high risk task for all the parties involved in the trade. Hence, great attention to detail is required at all the steps of the process. Choose your international cargo air flight service provider carefully kepping all your requirements in mind.

What is Air Freight Shipping and How Does it Work?

Businesses around the world are choosing airplanes as a mode of transport to ship their goods internationally. The reason is that air transport offers a speedy service along with reliability and ensuring safeguard of products. Air transport also helps businesses in expanding their operations to more countries. This article explains the process of air freight shipment across international borders.

What Is Air Freight Shipping?

Airship cargo package conveyance is the exchange and shipment of products through an airplane. Air transport administrations are the most important with regards to moving express shipments all over the planet. Very much like business or traveler aircraft, airship cargo flies in similar passages.

Process of Shipping via Air:

1. Availing a Quote-

The first step for you as a consignor is to decide upon an air freight forwarder as per the requirements. Once you have finalized the suitable options, approaching them for a quote so that you can make a booking with the one that fits in your per-determined budget.

2.  Confirming Booking: 

After comparing between quotes from various international freight forwarding agencies and deciding the one you want to hire, the next step is to confirm your booking of shipment with them with details such as via a written agreement

Goods to be shipped.

Quantity of goods.

Location of shipment

Date of shipment.

Liability of both parties.

3. Storage and Warehousing- Once you have confirmed a booking, the goods that you have to ship outwards are transported to the storage facility of the international air shipment services provider. The products remain in the warehouse till the date of shipment arrives.

4. Finalizing Incoterms- Incoterms are short for International Commercial Terms. These are conditions of agreement between the consignor and the consignee. It is your duty as a consignor to make a written agreement with the consignee and convey the same to the international freight forwarding services provider you have hired.

5. Export Custom Clearance- Once the Incoterms are agreed in a written format, the air freight cargo service provider process your file based on all the documentation and regulations to be followed to obtain export custom clearance.

6. Origin Handling- This is the part where your goods are finally ready to be exported. The international freight forwarder moves the goods from their warehouse to the loading dock of the aircraft after ensuring the proper packaging of goods for the transit.

7. Import Customs Clearance- When the products reach the destination country, the freight forwarder begins the process of import customs clearance.

8. Destination Handling- After getting the import customs clearance, the goods are ready to be transported from the unloading dock to the shipper’s warehouse. Hence, the freight forwarder agency has to arrange for proper transportation.

9. Import Haulage- In the final step, merchandise is finally transported to the place consignee’s choice as per the agreement. This step completes the cycle of air freight transportation internationally.

How Does Air Freight Work?

What you’re delivering, the transporter and carrier you use, and the shipment’s chargeable weight influence the rate. The chargeable To conclude, air freight service has factored into the huge growth of various industries. Due the process being so simple and easy to understand, every business activity becomes easier and more effective. Hence, it is the right time for you to commence using air planes as the mode of transport to ship your products in the international market.

weight is the gross weight (counting the cargo, bundling and bed) or the volumetric weight – whichever is greater. Volumetric weight is determined utilizing a recipe that partitions the freight’s estimations (LxWxH) by a layered weight factor. Normally, bigger things that weigh less occupy more room than little, weighty things, which is the reason air freight transporters utilize the chargeable weight recipe

Best Way to Export/Import Goods from India to the USA 2022

Export and import of goods and services are not only a source of income for the parties involved, these activities also act as a bridge between the governments of two nations. Hence, it is equally important as any other business activity. Exporting and importing also give a bigger marketplace to the producers. This is resulting in more and more people getting indulged in this activity. A lot many people wonder how to get started in this industry. What are the requirements that need to be fulfilled? You will find the process to be much easier than one can imagine. Let us go over the pre-requisites once

Step 1

Getting an IEC (Importer-Exporter Code) Number- IEC contains a 10 digit business identification number which is provided by Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT). Once you avail an IEC number, you are allowed to export and import beyond national boundary. Availing an IEC number is a necessity for anyone to commence export and import activities as per the Foreign Trade Policy. A service exporter-importer does not require an IEC number if they are not availing any benefits under the Foreign Trade Policy.

Step 2

Obtaining a Registration Cum Membership Certificate (RCMC)-Export Promotion Councils or Commodity Boards of India issue a RCMC as a proof of DGFT membership for 5 years. You require this certificate if

1. You are dealing in restricted goods.

2. You are applying for any concession under the Foreign Trade Policy.

Step 3

Risk covering through ECGC- Export Promotion Councils or Commodity Boards of India issue a RCMC as a proof of DGFT membership for 5 years. You require this certificate if Getting involved in international trade always poses the risk of non-payment because of individual or national insolvency. This risk can be covered by the buyer by getting an appropriate policy from Export Credit Guarantee Corporation Ltd. These are the basic things that you require to begin your import-export operations. Now, let us understand the process of importing or exporting between India and the USA.

Import Procedure

1. Acquire IEC

Prior to importing from India, each business should initially acquire an Import Export Code (IEC) number from the territorial joint DGFT. The IEC is a pan-based registration of traders with lifetime validity and is required for clearing customs, sending shipments, as well as for sending or receiving money in foreign currency. The cycle to acquire the IEC enlistment takes around 10-15 days.

2. Guarantee lawful consistence under various exchange regulations

When an IEC is distributed, organizations might import products that are consistent with Section 11 of the Customs Act (1962), Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act (1992), and the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-20. Be that as it may, certain things – limited, canalized, or disallowed, as announced and advised by the public authority – require extra authorization and licenses from the DGFT and the central government.

3. Get import licenses:

To decide if a permit is expected to import a specific business item or administration, a merchant should initially group the thing by distinguishing its Indian Trading Clarification in light of a Harmonized System of Coding or ITC (HS) order. ITC (HS) is India’s chief method of classifying items for trade and import-export operations. The ITC-HS code, given by the DGFT, is a 8-digit alphanumeric code addressing a specific class or classification of merchandise, which permits the shipper to follow guidelines worried about those products.

An import permit is either a general permit or a specific permit. Under a general permit, merchandise can be imported from any nation, though a particular or individual permit approves import just from explicit nations. Import licenses are utilized in import freedom, sustainable, and ordinarily substantial for quite a long time for capital products or year and a half for unrefined substances parts, consumables, and spare parts.

4. Record Bill of Entry and different archives to finish customs clearing conventions

Subsequent to acquiring import licenses, merchants are expected to outfit import assertion in the recommended Bill of Entry alongside long-lasting record number (PAN) based Business Identification Number (BIN), according to Section 46 of the Customs Act (1962). A Bill of Entry gives data on the specific nature, exact amount, and worth of products that have landed or entered inwards in the country.

On the off chance that the products are cleared through the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) framework, no conventional Bill of Entry is recorded as it is created in the PC framework. Be that as it may, the shipper should record a freight revelation after recommending specifics expected for handling of the section for customs leeway.

Assuming the Bill of Entry is recorded without utilizing the EDI framework, the merchant is expected to submit supporting reports that incorporate declaration of beginning, testament of examination, bill of trade, business receipt cum pressing rundown, among others.

When the merchandise are sent, the traditions authorities analyze and evaluate the data outfitted in the bill of passage and coordinate it with the imported things. Assuming there are no abnormalities, the authorities issue a ‘pass out request’ that permits the imported merchandise to be supplanted from the traditions

5. Decide import obligation rate for leeway of products:

India levies basic customs duty on imported goods, as specified in the first schedule of the Customs tariff Act, 1975, along with goods-specific duties such as anti-dumping duty, safeguard duty, and social welfare surcharge. In addition to these, the government levies an integrated goods and services tax (IGST) under the new GST system. The IGST rates depend on the classification of imported goods as specified in Schedules notified under Section 5 of the IGST Act (2017).

Export Procedure

Similarly concerning imports, an organization wanting to take part in export is expected to acquire an IEC number from the local joint DGFT. In the wake of acquiring the IEC, the exporter needs to guarantee that every one of the legitimate compliances are met under various exchange regulations. Further, the exporter should check assuming a product permit is required, and appropriately apply for the permit to the DGFT. An exporter is additionally expected to enlist with the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC), which gives the Non-Preferential Certificates of Origin guaranteeing that the sent out products are originated in India.

Following this simple procedure, you can begin your journey as an importer or exporter if you wish to run your operations between India and the USA.

10 Things to Know About a Logistic Service Provider

Logistics has become a huge part of any business. Subsequently, there has been a growth in demand for third party logistical service providers in the market as not every business can afford the cost of an in-house logistics department. However, finding the most suited freight forwarding agency is a task which requires deep research. To help you finalize on an international custom clearance agent, here are 10 pointers that you should keep in mind:-

1. Experience in a Particular Industry

The first point that you should keep in mind is to look for a freight forwarder who is experienced in operating in the industry you are running your business in. The reasons are:

● Will know in and out about documentation process.
● Knowledge the adequate storage and packaging techniques of products.
● Understanding of transportation practices that needs to be followed.

All these reasons will minimize the transit time and loss of goods due to any damage. Thus, making the process efficient and effective.

2. Reputation in the Market

Always keep in mind that a good reputation of anyone that you are in business with is a reflection of their work ethics and goodwill as well as your own. Hence, enquire about an international cargo shipping agency before availing their service. A few things that help you determine of a freight forwarder are:

● Market feedback.
● Current client roaster.
● Past growth.
● Yearly turnover.

3. Network Coverage

The next factor that you should consider while finalizing upon a freight forwarder is their global footprint. You should always look for a supply chain management service provider which supports your operations across various international boundaries with a scope to be there for expansion of your operations. If you have to hire multiple logistics service providers to support your business fully, it will add to your cost of operating and create unnecessary confusion. Hence, it is always favorable to find a freight forwarder to meet your requirements fully.

4. Reliability

Most organizations use the services of a third party supply chain management organizations. The reason behind it is to decrease the cost of operations and avail expert knowledge of third party logistics agency. This leads to depending on an external factor for running a business smoothly. Hence, you should make sure that you can rely on the chosen international freight forwarding agency to handle the scope of your operations.

5. Price

As mentioned in the pervious factor, one reason for availing services from a third party logistical service provider is to minimize the cost. Hence, price can also be an important factor in deciding whether to employ services of a freight forwarder.

6. Flexibility in Operations

Different businesses have different needs and demands and require different solutions. It is important that the 3PL service provider you choose understands your business’s requirements and provides you with a custom-made solution to you.

7. Infrastructure Capabilities

While looking out for the optimum solutions to your business’s logistical needs, make sure that the warehousing facility can provide a suitable storage environment for your products.

8. Packaging and Transportation

In order to transport your products safely and timely, the right packaging and mode of transportation is required. It is your duty to make these conditions clear to your international logistical agency with best communication practices. It will help you in saving time.

9. Live Tracking

Another important factor that comes into play is if the 3PL service provider can keep you up-to-date with the location of your products in transit. Being able to track the location of your goods helps you get an estimate time of delivery and ensures safety of goods

10. Location

The location of your international customs clearance agency should be easily accessible through various modes of transport. A remote location will make the whole process time-consuming and expensive.

In the fast paced market, finding the right logistical partner is important. These 10 pointers will help you finalize on the best suited freight forwarding agency for you at the earliest. This, in turn, will maximize your profits.